Post-Operative Instructions
It can be confusing understanding what to expect after surgery.
These instructions will remind you what you need to do.
Dr Crawford will see you each day of your hospital stay.
You will see your dietician between 1 and 2 weeks post-op.
Dr Crawford will see you in the office between 3 and 5 weeks after surgery.
Download your post-operative instructions.
Remember the first 2-3 months is about recovery after surgery and allowing the swelling and dysfunction of the stomach to settle down. It is very important that you follow the directions from your dietitian and Dr Crawford at this time to avoid getting food stuck.
2-3 months after a sleeve and 2-3 weeks after a single anastamosis bypass, you will be able to take ‘normal’ food again. This means you will be able to eat food that is solid and requires chewing.
Ravenous Hunger has been controlled by the surgery.
Dr Crawford’s TIPS
Eat at least once per day, but no more than three times per day
No snacks or liquid calories between these meals
Hold off on any carbohydrates as long as possible into the day
Ketosis is burning more fat and making you less hungry
Many people find it easy to skip breakfast and hold out until lunch or later
If you need to eat earlier, then protein and fat is better than carbs
Eat ONLY because you are hungry, or it is socially appropriate
It is important that good eating habits are embedded in a routine that is easy and feels ‘natural’
Eat what you want, but…..
Avoid liquid calories (including too much juice, excessive alcohol etc.)
Try the ‘healthier’ option when possible
Always sit down to eat with Crockery and Cutlery
Don’t snack on the run, your brain will not log those calories as well as it will if you are sitting down
If you want a cookie, you can have it, but you need to get out a plate, knife and fork, makes you think twice about whether you really need it
Chew well
Before surgery the tightest part of your system was in the neck at the top of the Gullet, now it is down at the Stomach, you need to overcome the urge to swallow too early
No distractions while eating
Do not eat with the TV on. Concentrate on your chewing and your food.
Enjoy the food
Don’t over-eat
Eating to the point of discomfort or pain may lead to stretching of your stomach or pouch
Set a small plate
Use a saucer or a bread and butter plate or small bowel for meals
Do not over fill the plate thinking you will stop when full, the temptation will be to over-eat, and you don’t need it for hunger
Learn to set your meal size with your eyes. You know how much the right amount is
Heavy people are fit from carrying extra weight, start exercising so you don’t lose that fitness
Take a chew-able or dissolve-able multivitamin daily while you are losing weight
If you are unsure what you should be doing, or having any trouble then book an appointment with Dr Crawford or your dietitian